Everything begins with a mere coincidence of chancing upon eachother. We cross roads by chance and sometimes end up falling in love. Some do through so many romantic ways. They make their love life as perfect as their so called perfect life. But many fail. I am one among people whose relationship doesn’t lasts to greet another Christmas. It lives so short. Reason- I don’t know. Perhaps I was not with a right person. Perhaps I was not the right person for her. Perhaps I am not as good as any other man is. This is no act of desperation here. It’s just a random thought on certain experience of my life that can be related to anyone’s life. I know this girl; knew her since high school days. With every bit of life moving ahead, through the years, we decided oneday to try out something what we call as relationship. The same old story of my life. It didn’t last. It collapsed at the knock of mere misunderstanding. Texted me that there is no love in trying out to stick with eachother without the trust. And it was just few months after we finally decided to make our shaky relationship strong. Did we make it even weaker than it was? Shocked and saddened, I replied her that there is no trust without care. Tried couple of times calling her. No. No, she wouldn’t pick up my call. What in the hell did I do to make her ignore me? Nothing. I couldn’t remember anything that made me realise that I was at wrong. Of course I once said her that with so many things changing between us, I could no longer assure myself that I trust her. She started talking so many things which opposed everything she used to be. It occurred to me that time is conspiring something new of which I had a confused idea. There can no longer be a strong line of trust between us.
Time went by. I was moving ahead without her, was content with life. There was no room for missing her. I was not living at all in the dead past.
Did I really love her? If I did, then why don’t I know miss her? These kinds of questions never crossed my mind. I learnt that there is no use in banging on the dead wall. There can never be a reason enough to make ourself compelled to make out with someone whose dream doesn’t match with ours. It’s useless. You can never be able to convince yourself that she completes your other half when she isn’t happy being with you.
But out of nowhere, there was this call. It was perfect coincidence. I hear that she had so many reasons to not to be with me. It was awful to know the reasons. And all that I could see was that she needed someone perfect. I was laughing off that her kind of lover which she is looking in me can be found only in some fairy tales where a young charming prince fighting his way through so many odds, bows on his knee and gallops away with the princess. We can’t be so impractical about life. Humans are made with so many mistakes. Perfect are those few lucky ones who donot make too many mistakes. Otherwise the concept of perfectness is impractical. She has a right to decide about her life. But I have a right to be the way I am. How can I go on to be someone I am not? The misunderstandings and confusion in relationship has a way out to clear. It’s not a dead end that we resort to. The pair has to sort it out. But if there’s no way in it, then there can be no other means than to part ways. I don’t regret that she didn’t feel my emotion and never understood me. But onething was so clear from our failed relationship that all those years, I never knew her and I regret that I lost my friend in my ex-girlfriend.
She didn’t make it long with her new boyfriend either, I hear from my friends.
There are no perfect human beings. But if we believe we are in a perfect human relationship that which ultimately forms a better web, then it is so. It’s all in ones heart and head that we believe in someone we are with and talk our imperfections.
http://fc04.deviantart.net (photo courtesy)
Its awesome piece of wisdom...Love as you know is "I love you untill I find someone better".... But, your magnificient patience and consolidated love really shows the true nature of human. Never change it for anything, I mean the charasmatic attitude of yours as reflected in the article.....Let it happen,coz everything happens for the reason.
ReplyDeletethank you Nima, and all those lines in your comments goes for yourself also.
ReplyDeletecheers for life
nice one....evrything comes n goes away, so b what u r n hav patience, the joyful day will come for u....
ReplyDeleteWell...its touchingly written...like it!!!...as of now...i can only say is that life is not at all journey through the flowery paths....must go through the thorny paths to achieve the rosy destination...but if one does not know to acknowledge the troublesome we have taken to achieve the the targeted mission...than no options and authority to entangle her legs to be with us...infact better let her to leave as everythings happen for best...at times...have to draw worthy lesson brother.
ReplyDeleteyeah guys....
Brother! being left out by some one does not mean that you are expatriated.In one's life, most copious thing is girl on this earth, only thing we need to have is noble occupation plus pure and crystal clear heart with dedications!!
ReplyDeletedat was nice real love story...
ReplyDeletea gud piece to read.Gr8 1....me lik dis!!!
ReplyDeleteIf we got what we always wanted in life..it would not be exciting...and you have to carry on in life with or without the people you love..to discover something else...and wish I could tell you more about my life..which may help you to get over anything that is hurting you..keep on writing..it helps..it has helped me..
ReplyDeleteThis was written long time back, and wrote it when i felt lonely and alone...thanks for your comments..:)