Sunday, April 24, 2011

School Experience--The beginning

School is not just about learning and getting educated. It is also a place where we not just only make friends, play games, read libraries and obey teachers but also a place where we grow through life with many experiences and transition in our mentality towards so many things. The pieces from school life when put together, they just happened to be what constituted one’s learning more than an education which might have been what teachers forced you to do or what you didn’t like to do but had to do somehow. Most of one’s childhood and teenage are spent in school, and it is in school where we do many things with so much keenness and so much mischief.
With the kind of social fabric one is a part of and with all sort of discipline one is in, school is a perfect place where we prepare ourselves to the outside world. Inside the four corners of the classroom, we learn to become a person fit for the society (while of course there are few exceptions). From the kindling teachers, the worldly wisdom spread its branches to the ends which no one knows about.
My schooling, as far as I remember, it started from my late grandfather. If you have been following my blog for some time now, most of you know that I had a bad accident when I was about six years that my parents decided to put me up with Grandparents after the accident. So in the village, like a gomchen, my Gomchen Grandpa began my informal education. I was taught how to pronounce the alphabets in Dzongkha. It was not that tedious to keep in mind the thirty letters, even during bed time, my grandpa used to ask me to rehearse the letters. The love and affection of grandparents pampered me often. I used to play around the houses with other kids and not go to study until my Grandpa would come around looking for me with sugar (in the village, it must have been way away from the shop) and promise me more if I study.
I was then formally admitted to the Langdurbi Primary School, Zhemgang, which was one day’s walk through thick jungles crowded with snakes and leeches. I was put up in the hostel with dozens of other kids. And the never ending journey of life took another very important step, of course innocently and unconsciously. Today while I am still studying, the person who put into the threshold of learning has passed away long but His gift to me still relishes to grow every day. 


  1. School is the institution where major learning takes place but our homes are our first schools where we are taught in miscellaneous ways by our parents. You are lucky to have all your blessing from your grandpa, and your grandpa being a Gomchen is more blessing. Though he cant be together at this stage of your life his soul might be contended by the way you achieved. Good wishes for your days ahead.

  2. thank you for your wishes dude......and yeah dude...he;s influence is everywhere in ma life...

  3. I could not think you are more right..

  4. Great writings brother...Being inspired by your and other's blog, I have created a blog....
